Individual 40 minute Lesson
$185 Monthly (Six years & under only)
$880 Semesterly (-5%)
Individual 45 minute Lesson
$205 Monthly
$975 Semesterly (-5%)
Individual 60 minute Lesson
$280 Monthly
$1330 Semesterly (-5%)
$370 Monthly
$1760 Semesterly (-5%)
Buddy 75 minute Lesson
I divide the total amount of semester lessons into equal payments so that the cost will be the same each month, regardless of whether 3, 4 or 5 lessons occur that month.
Michelle Mark Music accepts cash, checks (made out to Michelle Mark) and PayPal.
Payments received after the 10th of the month will incur a 5% late fee.
Monthly payments are due before the first lesson of every month.
Semesterly payments are due before the first lesson of the semester. Those paying semesterly receive a 5% discount.