
I have put in place some preventative measures in effort to reduce the spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19. Please review the following guidelines.

If my family or I has been exposed to Coronavirus/COVID-19, I will immediately revert to online lessons for 2 weeks.  

Please note: Online lessons can be chosen as your preferred lesson option at any time (except for Piano Pups students).

Please attend lessons online for at least 2 weeks when:

  • A student or anyone in your family has symptoms of being sick or not feeling well. This includes, but not limited to coughing, sneezing, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste or smell.

  • Anyone in the family has been exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19. Please provide a negative COVID-19 test result to return to in-person visits.  

  • Traveled to a high-risk area, or outside of the country, within 2 weeks.

If you attend lessons in-person you are agreeing to the following:

  • The student and family are healthy with no symptoms.

  • Nobody has been recently exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • You have not traveled to a high-risk area.                                                       

In addition, students will be required to wear masks in the studio at this time and wash his or her hands upon arrival.  Please bring your books, writing utensil (pencil with eraser), and any manipulatives and game pieces (I will provide these so there will be no sharing between students) to each lesson.

Please note: Only students will be allowed inside during lessons (unless your child is very young).  During the last five minutes, a parent is permitted inside.  If you do not wish to come inside, I will record a video of the information instead.  Siblings are welcome to wait in the car or outside on the porch during the transition time.  I will also wipe down the piano and keyboard between families.

Thank you so much for your cooperation in doing your part to help all of us stay healthy and safe!


Michelle Mark